Large, heavy, drooping breasts have been linked to a variety of significant physical symptoms such as chronic pain in the neck, mid back, lower back, and shoulders, chronic headaches, carpal tunnel-like symptoms, recurrent infections/rashes under the breasts, notching/grooving of the shoulders and stooping posture. Excessively large breasts are uncomfortable, and they can severely limit your activities and clothing choices. A breast reduction can alleviate most, if not all, of these problems.
Breast Reduction Consultation
Before breast reduction surgery, you will have a private, in-depth consultation with Dr. Back, who has earned a reputation as a ‘Top Doc’ for cosmetic breast surgery in South Jersey. After an examination, he will review with you everything you want and need to know, and together you will discuss your goals and his recommendations. All the details of the procedure will be reviewed, and you will also have ample time for questions. “Before & After” photos of our previous patients’ results are available to help new patients visualize the results of the reduction.
Breast Reduction Procedure
Breast reduction is an outpatient procedure usually requiring 3-4 hours. It is typically performed with a combination of both general and local anesthesia. Most commonly, an upside down ’T’-type incision is used, and the nipple/areola complex is left attached to the blood vessels and nerves as it is re-sized and shifted centrally. When the breast tissue is removed, the new smaller, lifted breast is reshaped cosmetically. All the removed breast tissue is sent as specimen to be tested and analyzed by a certified pathologist. Part of the reshaping includes creating as much symmetry and lift as possible.
Breast Reduction Recovery
A special bra (that we supply) and daily changes of soft gauze pads will be used. Pain medication and antibiotics will be prescribed. Most often, dissolvable stitches are used. Swelling, bruising, and drainage can be expected during the first week, but patients usually improve greatly after that time. We ask our patients to minimize any heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, or similar uses of the chest muscles for about 4 weeks. Otherwise, there are no restrictions and most patients can expect to return to their daily routine in about a week. Most patients will be able to get in the shower within a day or two after their procedure.
Financing available – click here for details!
If you are interested in Breast Reduction in Cherry Hill and want to know more about the procedure and your options, call (856) 751-7550 or click here to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Back today.
To read articles written by Dr. Back about Breast Surgery, click here!
Made the journey easier
As the months go on after my surgery I realize what a difference my breast reduction has made in my life. My attitude about life has drastically changed and I feel so good about myself. I just wanted to say thank you so much for making this an easy journey. You are a wonderful doctor and what you do for people is life changing and amazing.
Fran H.
*Individual results may varyAsk Dr. Back:

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